~CHANDNI~ said:

jab kabhi mousmoun mein khushbu bikhar jae....
jab kabhi~CHANDNI~ mein raat nikhar jae....
jab kabhi bevaja he dharkan machal jae.....
to samajhna k hum ne ap ko yaad kia he.....
Enchanted...... by the thought of you
I blossom in your light
Enchanted ..... by everything you do
I will not be denied
Although long veiled by
Dark clouds
Your delicate and distant light
Draws me towards
That which I have yet to see...
Your smile
Your eyes, they take me
Into depths unknown
Your voice takes my breath away
Enchanted... is all that I can say
For lost within the complexity
of my dreams
and uncounted desires...
I fear I shall be lost in the darkness
If I do not see that enchanted smile...